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May 18, 2021Get Tips for a Fun Old-Fashioned Dinner Date
It’s been months since you and your sweetheart have been on a date. Between work and honey-dos, you haven’t made time to just be together. You need a break from the kitchen making the same dinners night after night and an old-fashioned dinner date sounds perfect.
The choices are limitless as to where to go: Do you want fancy or fun? Burgers or Asian? Downtown or uptown? Familiar or new?
Either way, you need a place where you can enjoy each other’s company. Once a place has been decided, think of conversation topics to get to know your partner better. Whether you’ve been together for a few short months or many years, there’s always something to learn about your sweetheart.
Conversation starter ideas
What are the top three things on your bucket list? If you could do something illegal without ever being caught, what would you do? What’s something recently that made you smile/laugh/sad? If you could go back to high school, what would you do differently? Do you think your priorities have changed since you were younger? If a movie was made about our life, who would play us, and what would be the plot?
These will get you talking and probably lead to additional conversation as you explore each other’s answers. Another fun thing is to ask and answer your questions in different accents and see how long you can keep up the accent.
Play games over dinner
Maybe you chose a restaurant where you can take a board game or cards. If not, something fun to do is look around at the people in your presence and create a story for their life. Try being kids again and play I Spy or 20 Questions.
Other things to do on a date
After your bellies are full and you’ve laughed it up playing games and getting to know each other more, nothing beats an old-fashioned walk through the park and continuing your conversation on the swing set. Not up for a stroll? Try stargazing, sharing ice cream, going bowling, or to the arcade.
Date Night
There are so many options for an old-fashioned dinner date. Get out there and have fun! BFF Asian Grill and Sports Bar is a great place to have a date night!